[Daily article] January 14: Adelaide leak Published On

The Adelaide leak was the revelation to the press of a dressing-room
incident during the third cricket Test match of the "Bodyline" series of
1932–33 between England and Australia. During the course of play on
14 January 1933, the Australian Test captain Bill Woodfull was struck
over the heart by a ball delivered by Harold Larwood (incident
pictured). On his return to the dressing room, Woodfull was visited by
the England manager Pelham Warner who enquired after Woodfull's health,
but to Warner's embarrassment, the latter said he did not want to speak
to him owing to England's Bodyline tactics. The matter became public
knowledge when someone present leaked the exchange to the press; such
leaks were practically unknown at the time. In the immediate aftermath,
many people assumed Jack Fingleton, a full-time journalist, was
responsible. Fingleton later wrote that Donald Bradman, Australia's star
batsman, disclosed the story. Bradman always denied this, and continued
to blame Fingleton. Woodfull's earlier public silence on the tactics had
been interpreted as approval; the leak was significant in persuading the
Australian public that Bodyline was unacceptable.

Read more: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adelaide_leak>

Today's selected anniversaries:


The Árpád dynasty, which had ruled Hungary since the late 9th
century, ended with the death of King Andrew III.


The Afghans led by Ahmad Shah Abdali defeated the French-
supplied and trained Maratha troops at the Third Battle of Panipat in
Panipat, present-day Haryana, India.


Sweden and Denmark–Norway signed the Treaty of Kiel, whereby
Frederick VI of Denmark ceded Norway to Sweden in return for the
Swedish holdings in Pomerania.


Elvis Presley's concert Aloha from Hawaii was broadcast live
via satellite, and set a record as the most watched broadcast by an
individual entertainer in television history.


British teenage heiress Lesley Whittle was kidnapped by Donald
Neilson and subsequently murdered during a failed ransom collection

Wiktionary's word of the day:

Proud; haughty; disdainful.

Wikiquote quote of the day:

I do not want to frighten you by telling you about the temptations life
will bring. Anyone who is healthy in spirit will overcome them. But
there is something I want you to realize. It does not matter so much
what you do. What matters is whether your soul is harmed by what you do.
If your soul is harmed, something irreparable happens, the extent of
which you won't realize until it will be too late.
--Albert Schweitzer

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