net stinkhorn, crinoline stinkhorn or veiled lady, is a fungus in the
family Phallaceae, or stinkhorns. It has a cosmopolitan distribution in
tropical areas, and is found in southern Asia, Africa, the Americas, and
Australia, where it grows in woodlands and gardens in rich soil and
well-rotted woody material. The fruit body of the fungus is
characterised by a conical to bell-shaped cap on a stalk and a delicate
lacy "skirt", or indusium, that hangs from beneath the cap and reaches
nearly to the ground. It was first described scientifically in 1798 by
French botanist Étienne Pierre Ventenat. Mature fruit bodies are up to
25 cm (9.8 in) tall with a conical to bell-shaped cap that is
1.5–4 cm (0.6–1.6 in) wide. The edible mushroom, grown
commercially and commonly sold in Asian markets, is rich in protein,
carbohydrates, and dietary fiber. It also contains various bioactive
compounds, and has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Phallus
indusiatus has a recorded history of use in Chinese medicine extending
back to the 7th century AD, and features in Nigerian folklore.
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Today's selected anniversaries:
Christopher Columbus and his crew became the first Europeans to
visit the Cayman Islands, naming them Las Tortugas after the numerous
sea turtles there.
The Sepoy Mutiny against the company rule by the British East
India Company began.
Victoria Woodhull became the first woman to be nominated as a
candidate for President of the United States.
Ernest Shackleton and five companions completed one of
history's greatest small-boat journeys when they arrived at South
Georgia after an 800-nautical-mile (1,500 km) journey in a lifeboat.
J. Edgar Hoover became the director of the Bureau of
Investigation, which would later become the U.S. Federal Bureau of
François Mitterrand was elected to be the first socialist
President of the French Fifth Republic.
Wiktionary's word of the day:
(anthropology) Having wavy hair.
Wikiquote quote of the day:
It seemed — in 1968 — the possibilities of peace and
brotherhood could be realised that very year. We're still working on it.
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