7 and 14 June 1944. The intention was to seize Caen, a major Allied
objective in the early stages of the invasion of northwest Europe. The
operation had been planned to start immediately after the beach
landings, but when Caen was still in German hands three days into the
Battle of Normandy, it changed to a pincer attack using XXX Corps and
I Corps. XXX Corps faced strong German forces in a fierce battle for
Tilly-sur-Seulles. I Corps's eastern thrust from the Orne bridgehead
met determined resistance. With mounting casualties and no sign of
success, the offensive was abandoned. To the west, American pressure had
opened up a gap in the German lines. The 7th Armoured Division was
ordered to advance through it, to try to force a German retreat. After
two days of intense fighting, the division's position was untenable and
it was withdrawn. Historians generally agree that while an early
opportunity to capture Caen was squandered by British command failures,
the Germans had had to use their most powerful armoured reserves in a
defensive role, incurring heavy losses, rather than in counteroffensive
Read more: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Perch>
Today's selected anniversaries:
Forces led by Prince Trần Quang Khải of Vietnam's Trần
dynasty destroyed most of the invading Mongol naval fleet in a battle at
Chuong Duong.
Anglo-American settlers in the Town of Sonoma began a rebellion
against Mexico, proclaiming the California Republic and eventually
raising a homemade flag with a bear and star (digital reproduction
Second World War: Although the British Army abandoned the
attempt to capture Caen, the Germans had been forced to commit their
most powerful armoured reserves in a defensive role.
Argentine forces surrendered to the British, essentially ending
the Falklands War.
After the Vancouver Canucks lost to the New York Rangers in ice
hockey's Stanley Cup Finals, a riot ensued in Downtown Vancouver,
causing C$1.1 million in damage.
Wiktionary's word of the day:
The study of flags.
Wikiquote quote of the day:
 Because you cannot see him, God is everywhere.
--Yasunari Kawabata
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