shrub or small tree in the family Proteaceae. Native to southeastern
Australia, it is found in wet sclerophyll forest and rainforest on rich
acidic soils high in organic matter. No subspecies are recognised,
though an isolated population hybridises extensively with the Braidwood
waratah (T. mongaensis). Reaching a height of up to 19 metres
(65 ft), T. oreades grows with a single trunk and erect habit. It has
dark green leaves with prominent veins that are 11–28 centimetres
(4.3–11 in) long and 1.5–6 cm (0.6–2.4 in) wide. The red flower
heads, or inflorescences, composed of up to 60 individual flowers,
appear in late spring. In the garden, T. oreades grows in soils with
good drainage and ample moisture in partly shaded or sunny positions.
Several commercially available cultivars that are hybrid forms with
T. speciosissima have been developed. The timber is hard and has been
used for making furniture and tool handles.
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Today's selected anniversaries:
During the first Japanese invasion of Korea, Japanese forces
led by Toyotomi Hideyoshi captured Pyongyang, although they were
ultimately unable to hold it.
French brothers Claude and Nicéphore Niépce received a patent
for their Pyréolophore, one of the world's first internal combustion
The Arroyo Seco Parkway, one of the first freeways built in the
United States, opened to traffic, connecting downtown Los Angeles with
Pasadena, California.
Members of the Provisional Irish Republican Army detonated two
bombs in Hyde Park and Regent's Park in London, killing eleven people
and wounding over 50 others.
The Civil Marriage Act received its Royal Assent, legalizing
same-sex marriage in Canada.
Wiktionary's word of the day:
1. Strictly attentive to detail; meticulous or fastidious, particularly to
codes or conventions.
2. Precise or scrupulous; finicky or nitpicky.
Wikiquote quote of the day:
Continued work and application form my soul's nourishment. So
soon as I commenced to rest and relax I should cease to live. … There
is no lighter burden, nor more agreeable, than a pen. Other pleasures
fail us or wound us while they charm, but the pen we take up rejoicing
and lay down with satisfaction, for it has the power to advantage not
only its lord and master, but many others as well, even though they be
far away — sometimes, indeed, though they be not born for thousands of
years to come.
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