hemisphere, one of twelve created in the 18th century by French
astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille and one of several depicting
scientific instruments. Its name is a Latinized form of the Greek word
for telescope. Telescopium was later much reduced in size by Francis
Baily and Benjamin Gould. The brightest star in the constellation is
Alpha Telescopii, a blue-white subgiant with an apparent magnitude of
3.5, followed by the orange giant star Zeta Telescopii at magnitude 4.1.
Eta and PZ Telescopii are two young star systems with debris disks and
brown dwarf companions. Telescopium hosts two unusual stars with very
little hydrogen that are likely to be the result of merged white dwarfs:
HD 168476, also known as PV Telescopii, is a hot blue extreme helium
star, while RS Telescopii is an R Coronae Borealis variable. RR
Telescopii is a cataclysmic variable that brightened to magnitude 6 in
1948 as a nova.
Read more: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telescopium>
Today's selected anniversaries:
English courtier and explorer Walter Raleigh was executed in
London after King James I reinstated a fifteen-year-old death sentence
against him.
American Civil War: The Battle of Wauhatchie, one of the few
night battles of the war, concluded with the Union Army opening a supply
line to troops in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
The Military Revolutionary Committee of the Petrograd Soviet,
in charge of preparing for and carrying out the Russian Revolution, was
A student at UCLA sent the first message on the ARPANET, the
precursor to the Internet, to a computer at Stanford Research Institute.
The first phase of the Marmaray project opened with an undersea
rail tunnel across the Bosphorus strait.
Wiktionary's word of the day:
A woman who flirts or plays with men's affections.
Wikiquote quote of the day:
Only the mediocre are always at their best.
--Jean Giraudoux
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